I wrote this website a long time ago, and I haven't updated it for more than ten years, so it is rather dated. Today there are easier ways to throw a simple website together than coding it by hand in a text editor, which is what this teaches you to do. But everything in here still works and is still valid HTML, and it gives you a good basic grounding on what it going on underneath the hood, so to speak, so it is still here. These days I mostly use the excellent Dreamweaver for creating websites, but it's still very useful to be able to tweak the HTML by hand when it isn't doing quite what I want!
Jon Storm, January 2015
Want to make a website? It's not difficult. You can learn the basics pretty quickly, and that's what I'm going to show you. You don't need any special software, you don't need to go on a course : in fact you don't need to spend any money at all. All you need is a computer (practically anything will do), an internet connection (which presumably you already have, or else how are you looking at this page?), a browser (ditto), and a basic text editor like Windows Notepad. That's it! You're ready to go.
I'm not going to try and teach you everything, just what you need to get a decent website up and running, with the emphasis very much on doing things the easy way - the "It still counts as a goal if it goes in off your bottom" approach. I'll try not to use jargon, but if I do say something you aren't sure about, you can look it up in my Dictionary of computer jargon. If you aren't too sure of yourself in Windows, have a look at Windows tips and tricks, which explains a few useful things like how to flick quickly between different windows, and how to cut and paste text with minimum fuss.
All you need to do now is start. I recommend beginning at the beginning, so click on Getting started here, or pick it from the index to your right...